Monday 29 March 2021

Sex Education in Today's India: Need and Demand

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Some of us love our morning tea with a bright sunshine and the newspaper. Though the news these days is not so positive, and it is not surprising that everyday there is a news about rape and every other day a minor getting raped or pregnant. We are also quick to judge, whenever we hear or read about a rape, we start blaming the male or their families for being harmful to the society or the female for attracting the opposite sex in the wrong way.


When we hear such stories how many of us think of the real story, the story that lead to the rape? Let me ask you: Do you have an idea why sexual diseases are on top? And do you know the real reason behind our overpopulation and why it is continuously increasing. In India these things are spreading like a web and thus the most important question becomes “Why?”


The answer is lack of sex education. Education is the only tool which can help us make people aware of problems and issues in our society. In the current times education is not just about stories we read in books but also focuses on the issues rising in our society. Students are the builders of a nation, they are the one who will help shape and create the future. It is thus imperative that all the children of our country have access to sex education.


The word sex is a considered a taboo, it is used only by whispering or in closed rooms, we switch off our television and radio or change channels when anything is being discussed about it but when these kids get married we suddenly ask them to have a child. Do we hope or expect them to know everything about sex and reproduction? Do we think they would know all the do’s and don’ts? Without knowledge do we really expect them to make a child and stay healthy? The parents of today need to understand that like any other body parts the reproductive organs are to be studied in detail.  The children should know the hygiene they should maintain, how to take care of our reproductive organs, hormonal changes and preventive measures to avoid sexual diseases etc. at the right age. It is important to understand that this education can be started from home. Parents should come forward for the same. They shouldn't say no when kid ask any question. They should teach them good and bad touches and strength and power of both sexes. And also, it shouldn't be limited to girls only, boys are equally victims many a times. Parents can prepare their kids for better understanding in schools. Schools should follow curriculum for sex education. Sex Education has become contemporary issue at this time. We should reach to each school and governing bodies to make it mandatory.


Some statements that are considered taboo and are making us and the future generations mentally weak:

  • Shhhhh... what people will think.
  • Boys don't cry.
  • Periods are bad you should hide it from others.
  • Don't use the word sex so loudly.
  • Why are you making friends with the opposite sex?
  • Why are you cooking? It’s a girl thing.
  • Why are you staying late in office? You are inviting others to do wrong with you.

If the kids hear these it not only makes them to believe that this is correct but also makes them mentally weak. As a result, they will never be able to respect the opposite sex. They will be more inclined to take the negative steps without knowing. Let’s consider a scenario, a boy in a family was always asked to be strong and not to cry. He was told things like, boys do not cry, are you a girl, see he is crying like a girl. The boy unconsciously starts believing that girls are weak, and boys are strong. Such things slowly and gradually make him disrespectful towards the opposite sex and eventually it leads to criminal activity in some cases. Similarly, girls are taught to remain silent most of the times and not speak in front of their husband or other males. This could lead them to believe they are weak, and they gradually start losing confidence. Sometimes these situations could also lead to hatred, self-doubt, disrespect and at times abusing self or the opposite sex.

Another taboo topic is the menstruation cycle. Many girls die every year due to poor hygiene during their menstruation because they weren't taught. Boys and girls both should be educated about menstruation cycle. It will help in deleting differences between boys and girls and maintain the sensitivity towards opposite sex. Usage of contraceptive methods can reduce Sexually Transmitted Diseases to much extent and helps in Population Control but a lot of us do not know about them or are too scared to ask.

There are many such topics that are considered taboo in our country today and is leading to sexual disease and at times criminal activities. One right step towards improvement is to make Sex Education mandatory in schools. Right topics should be covered for the kids at the right age. Teachers should not only explain the topic but also make learning interesting and more impactful via posters, projects and other teaching aids for better understanding. It is high time to also giving the right training to our teachers so that they could cover this topic in the right and an impactful way.

Sex Education does not teaches how to have sex!


I would like to conclude here by emphasizing the importance of sex education in todays world and the need and importance to make it compulsory in schools for all ages. It is high time to make our future generation more responsible and education is the only tool for it. Teachers play an important role in it. They are creators and giving this responsibility in their hands is never going to be wrong. Parents and Teachers’ collaboration will lead to make the generation more educated about themselves and ultimately it will add to the growth of India.

Trust the teachers and see the result.

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